Coding help - page 468

No, no such thing (for mql4)

Not even an announcement that there will be?

No, no such thing (for mql4)


Hello Mladen can u -pls help me to add an alert if bearsih and bullish divergence?

Thanks in Advance

apprentice coder:
Not even an announcement that there will be?

As far as I know, they have no such intention

As far as I know, they have no such intention

Why are they not going to do that?




Hope you didn't forget me - I know you are busy - just trying to be politely persistent - my last post was done incorrectly - my apologies...............................

Just checking in for an update on this - as always, thanks for your help............................

Good morning and thanks for your quick response. The page you directed me to has some interesting things in it but is not exactly what I need. Let me better explain....swing 1 of the zig/zag is 60 pips from top to bottom - swing 2 is 44 pips from top to bottom - swing 3 is 106 pips from top to bottom - swing 4 is 86 pips from top to bottom - the current swing is still active and adjusting to price. What I want to do is to have an indicator that will give the average number of pips of the last 4 completed swings as a number displayed on the chart. No need to see the zig/zag indy displayed on chart - just need the average of last "X" swings displayed. In the example above the indicator give me a reading of "74" ( 60+44+106+86 divided by 4 ) Hope this better explains it. Thanks in advance again.


Is there a way how I can get a color assigned at run-time?


Hi mladen....It's me again!

Could I ask, yet again I'm afraid, for you to work your magic on the attached indicator. It's showing 12 errors

I really like the ADX, but keep nodding off when watching the screen. It would be great to have the alerts working. Even if they do bring on a heart attach!!

Hi mladen....It's me again!

Could I ask, yet again I'm afraid, for you to work your magic on the attached indicator. It's showing 12 errors

I really like the ADX, but keep nodding off when watching the screen. It would be great to have the alerts working. Even if they do bring on a heart attach!!

Here is the correct version : advanced_adx_-_2_alerts_nmc.mq4


Many, many thanks mladen. As are a real star.