Mt4 on WindowsServer versus KVM and/or Linux+Wine



are here some people that can tell us (me) about their experience with running mt4 on (vps) either KVM with Windows || Linux+Wine

or directly Linux+Wine compared to either WindowsServer: crashes, updates, (backtest-) speed, ..

Thanks in advance!



are here some people that can tell us (me) about their experience with running mt4 on (vps) either KVM with Windows || Linux+Wine 

Not an answer to your question, but... IMHO you'd have to be mad to trade real money through Windows software without paying for a Windows licence. Similarly, on a Mac I'd use proper virtualisation with a real copy of Windows (e.g. VMware, Parallels), but not a Windows emulation (CrossOver, Wine).

hmm -

1) one broker had troubles in the administrate of the Windows server 2008R. Ok I left, but they were excellent in the amin. of their Linux-server.

2) For some time I tried Win 2012 and after a week or two the RAM was full up to 98% - I started with less than 50%, the answer to my question, well restart every weekend - I have never experienced with Linux. Some years ago my 'selfmade' Linux-Router was running without the need of any restart (software or system) for several years.

3) In my experience Linux is more stable and many things are better organized and easier to achieve and it is always cheaper - may be that is the reason!


hmm - [...]

I'm not commenting on the respective virtues of Linux versus Windows. I'm saying, equally, that if MT4 were e.g. native Linux software which only ran on KDE, then I wouldn't try running it on Windows through some sort of Linux emulator.