What would cause metatrader to do this


It does this now in admin or user account.

it happens on two terminal meta editors and one terminal wont open now unless its opened as administrator


Did you try click reset all in the metaeditor options colors tab ?


Did you try click reset all in the metaeditor options colors tab ?

I did try that, Among the things I have tried I have tried resetting meta editor to defaults

As you can see in meta editor, if i click somewhere it replaces that line with text

If first happened on one terminal meta editor while an optimization was running so I stopped that and reboot' but now another terminal meta editor is doing it.

Nothing evidently causing it and I have deleted tester cache' and even swapped config folder with new installation' folder files and nothing has yet resolved it.

There isn't even a reinstall with the uninstaller so its either uninstall or live with it. It only works right when run as administrator now, but of course files written in the windows user account are not visible to metaeditor running as admin