scanning bars back HELP please


I was wondering if someone cold tell me how would program the following

I want the ea to scan back the bars atleast a set value but lot more then a set value to see if there equal to or more of pips of a set value.


You have to be precise when programming an EA.

You use set value 3 times in your sentence, are they all the same set value?

Are you looking for a particular range of a single bar, a series of bars or a highest high?

What does "but lot more then a set value" mean?


int set_value = nbars;

int a_lot = mbars;

int alot_more _than_set_value = set_value+a_lot;


int set_value = nbars;

int a_lot = mbars;

int alot_more _than_set_value = set_value+a_lot;

Now I feel really silly.

It's quite obvious now that you have explained it :D