Why is so much code like this? - page 4

You're welcome SDC and RaptorUK. Coding makes a much easier topic to discuss than Winning_EA. :)
I'm not qualified to discuss winning EAs . . . not unless I post my account details. I'm not even qualified to discuss coding, but I learn by doing so, that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

It's nothing personal

It's times like this when it would have been good to have a formal enforced standard that everyone works to . . . . then we would all be doing the same thing and we would all like your code. And before you ask, no, I'll stick with my Whitesmiths style . . . at least I know what to call it now, thanks ubzen

lol no offence taken Raptor. I agree it would be a good thing for the forum if everyone posted code in the same format. If there was an official forum format I wouldnt mind adjusting my code to match it if I posted any. Whitsmith style would probably be the logical one to use because as ubzen said it is the default mt4 style used in all the documentation.