LiveUpdate.exe Crashing Terminal.exe (Build 419, 427, and 432) - page 2


Just had exactly the same problem.

I got around the issue by brute force and ignorance, uninstalling the beast. Going back to Oanda website.

Downloading and installing the program again over the original folder. It all came good after that.

I have since disabled liveupdate.exe by renaming it as there are a few people saying this should be done to stop the problem re-occuring.

Using WinXP sp3 2.66GHz 4GB RAM so dont think its got anything to do with ram just Cr@ppy code.

I also noticed my antivirus checker complaining that it was detecting a Virus out of terminal.exe and quarantining it. I wonder if this is the true cause.

I've attached a screen shot of the Comodo log





And I also think that the problem doesn't come from the memory, because i tested mt4 on a computer with 256 mb of ram and processor 664 mhz and it works perfectly .