why my metaeditor is like this ? - page 2


The reasons may be:

1. you are using another language than English;

2. you have installed more than one MetaTrader4.

Please try to do following:

1. change the language of MetaEditor to English in menu "View/Languages/English";

2. close MetaEditor;

3. open "metaeditor.xml" and check that line number 10 contains following

"body { margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; margin: 3px; padding: 3px; background-color:#fbfbfc; color:#626363; font-size:1.8em; }"

4. run MetaEditor;

5. check changes;

6. with the wheel try to do following:

6.1. place arrow of "mouse" to the center of the help window,

6.2. press <Ctrl> key of the keyboard and hold it pressing,

6.3. try to turn scrolling wheel of "mouse" in both methods - pressing and not to pressing this scrolling wheel, simultaneously holding pressing <Ctrl> key of the keyboard.


sorry ais

i have done every thing,there is no change

i change all the file contain

" body { margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; margin: 3px; padding: 3px; background-color:#fbfbfc; color:#626363; font-size:1.8em; }"

no change .


Are you changed the language of MetaEditor to English in menu "View/Languages/English"?

If yes, please send me "metaeditor.xml".


thank you

i have change lanuage to english,

my problem is caused by update to version 229 .when i update,antivirus software

said mt4 has virus (trojion) and delte some file .and windows was damaged too .

when i reinstall winxp,it is this state.

i install about 10 mt4 of different com include ECN plateform .never encounter this .


If you are using InternetExplorer for browsing the wild web look at your settings ... view/fontsize (i guess, i have only german version and there is Ansicht/Schriftgrösse)

Maybe a change there will help you.


i send the file not succes,so change it to .text file

metaeditor.txt  471 kb

If you are using InternetExplorer for browsing the wild web look at your settings ... view/fontsize (i guess, i have only german version and there is Ansicht/Schriftgrösse)

Maybe a change there will help you.

yes,you are right,i change font size from mid to max large then back to mid,from browsing

,now it is normal,

thank you .


yes,you are right,i change font size from mid to max large then back to mid,from browsing

,now it is normal,

thank you .

welcom :-)