Generate "history" .txt file for upload to ftp



i would like to know, if there is a way to generate report of history (Statement.htm) to ftp (I already successfuly uploaded a file to my ftp so there is no problem).

Is there some way to generate "plaintext" delimitered by ";" or ST else?

Thanks for answers

Also looking for this script. But i want generate the history after each trade close. Any ideas?


i would like to know, if there is a way to generate report of history (Statement.htm) to ftp (I already successfuly uploaded a file to my ftp so there is no problem).

Tools > Options > Publisher, tick Enable . . . gives me an updated Statement.htm to my ftp server . . . every "Refresh every x minutes"


i would like to know, if there is a way to generate report of history (Statement.htm) to ftp (I already successfuly uploaded a file to my ftp so there is no problem).

Is there some way to generate "plaintext" delimitered by ";" or ST else?

Thanks for answers

Sounds like you need to use

bool SendFTP( string filename, string ftp_path=NULL) 

The file will be created by

int FileOpen( string filename, int mode, int delimiter=';') 

You may need to close the file before you send it, then re-open it to append the new data. Experimentation required.

You will probably want to use

bool FileSeek( int handle, int offset, int origin) 

if you close the file since after opening it the file write pointer may not be at the end of the file.