make the EA work faster



i wonder if we can make the main function of the EA, int start() faster than what it's now

cose i have an EA for counting ticks.....but it some time lost some ticks and didnt record it

hope i can find a solution

the EA is attached


by the way......i found a topic that talk about speed up the backtesting of EA

the auther said

(I think I have found the answer to the problem.
I inserted the following code after the start() …
extern int speed = 500; // Control speed of the chart speed when using
strategy tester in visual mode
int start()
Waitloop = 0;
while(Waitloop < speed){Comment("Wait Loop Count = ", Waitloop); Waitloop
By changing the value of speed between 100 and 100000 or so you can
control the speed of the chart display in the visual mode, but leave the
speed unaffected in any other mode.


hope that will give some idea to find the solution

ticksave2.mq4  10 kb


could this be made ?

i mean if it's something couldn't be made because of mql4 limitation ............plz tell me so that i will search for another solution



I collect and save millions of ticks and don't seem to have a performance problem.

Not using your code, though.


I collect and save millions of ticks and don't seem to have a performance problem.

Not using your code, though.

so am looking for a programmatical solution to speed up the EA......cos after i observed it for a time it didnt' record every tick that happend...

by the way....could u tell me how u collected ur ticks?

thanks for ur reply


Where are you observing the evidence of the lost ticks?




Iv used this record the ticks to an excel sheet

at the same time i watch the tick window in the MT4 that u can see if u open a new order the left

after watching for some time and (recording) using a pen....i then compered the result from the tow sources.....and found some tick that didnt recorded by the EA....

so i want to improve the code of the EA to make it faster if that somthing could be made