Please add a 'persistent' Profit or Loss column in the Accounts window of the MT4 Multi-Account client.


I know, understand and appreciate that you are focused on and hard at work on MT5/MQL5.

But MT4/MQL4 will likely will still be around and in use for quite some time to come yet and obviously is at this point in time.

I have the MT4 'Multi-Account' client and though it is a little cumbersome to trade with, it is an excellent tool for monitoring multiple accounts such as most of us interested in and using MQL maintain. However there is no column that always shows the account Profits or Losses unless there are open trades. In the last column in the ‘Accounts’ window, it does show the current Profits or Losses on active trades, which is redundant as the main window always shows these already. However once the trades close, their is no direct information on the net Profit or Loss on specific accounts.

Would you please change the last column in the Accounts window so that it always shows what the net Profits or Losses are on all accounts being shown ?

Thank you (< 8)