Registration started NOW for UNOFFICIAL Automated Trading Championship 2013!! - page 2


Which is it ?   number of subscribers  ?  or number of subscribers and growth ?    how does number of subscribers relate to growth when evaluating performance for deciding the winner ?

If a signal is free how will you determine if Subscribers are real or just extra users the signal provider has registered ? 

What a pity! I was looking forward to the upcoming championship. I agree with RaptorUK "If a signal is free how will you determine if Subscribers are real or just extra users the signal provider has registered?". I would join this unofficial championship but I don't understand very much this rule: "NO RULE IS THE ONLY RULE". In fact I don't think it's going to be ok without any rules!, I see it a bit unrealistic, it is my opinion. 
What a pity! I was looking forward to the upcoming championship. I agree with RaptorUK "If a signal is free how will you determine if Subscribers are real or just extra users the signal provider has registered?". I would join this unofficial championship but I don't understand very much this rule: "NO RULE IS THE ONLY RULE". In fact I don't think it's going to be ok without any rules!, I see it a bit unrealistic, it is my opinion. 

how about everybody set the price for 20 credit or so? then fairly put it into subscribers hands. 

if you got 666 subscribers (nice number indeed) for 3 month, you'll get pretty close to the first prize money of the old ATC.

of course we can add any kind of our own rules, but the rules has to be easy to determined by subscribers.

because even if we say no multi-entry or no vote to yourself, there is no system and no jury to find out.....


alohafx: how about everybody set the price for 20 credit or so? then fairly put it into subscribers hands. if you got 666 subscribers (nice number indeed) for 3 month, you'll get pretty close to the first prize money of the old ATC. of course we can add any kind of our own rules, but the rules has to be easy to determined by subscribers. because even if we say no multi-entry or no vote to yourself, there is no system and no jury to find out.....

Why not just set a specific set of goals within a per-defined time. Example, double the contest-deposit within two-months with less then twenty% equity draw-down. Or who-ever have the highest-equity after a x-months wins. In the end, I believe that this'll require some form of reward other than pride. So, I'll recommend that you write Meta-Quotes and ask them if they'll support your initiative with credits (about 1000). The signals part of this website have partitions for contests. Perhaps a special partition could be created for this, or contest section could be freed up for this purpose.

Also, at that point, you can ask for assistance from the moderators in terms of monitoring. I believe this'll become a win-win for both MQ and the Community as well as attracting other members and promoting the Meta-Trader platform and Signals services.

How about ATC for live accounts that will be great and more realistic
How about ATC for live accounts that will be great and more realistic
indeed we don't need same amount to start and it will attract more subscribers. it's all up to you.

how about everybody set the price for 20 credit or so? then fairly put it into subscribers hands. 

if you got 666 subscribers (nice number indeed) for 3 month, you'll get pretty close to the first prize money of the old ATC.

of course we can add any kind of our own rules, but the rules has to be easy to determined by subscribers.

because even if we say no multi-entry or no vote to yourself, there is no system and no jury to find out.....


Maybe some rules of this kind would encourage people to sign up.
I also agree with Raptor and laplacianlab

how about we make multiple winners?

one for the most subbers,

one for the best growth,

one for best pf,

brah brah brah... 


so if you sort all participate signals and find your own something "best",

apply here after the finish, and when you get applause, you'll be a one of the winner! 

so we can have our own goal and we can have more fun.


i'm willing to participate with mql4 because wider selection of brokers.

but also the "wall" of oop was hard for hobby programmer like me.

i hope some more people like me can be back to contest.  


the only and biggest problem is,

we only have five people to vote for set the rule so far.


you can say OUT any time but only after you said IN.

you still have 45 days to register.



a month to go!