meta trader broker


i am new in forex ..

i want ur suggextion on what broker should i use, i already have meta trader sofware.

and i am planning to start trading with the minimum of 200 dollars.

expect your responses.



Sorry, we cannot discuss brokers here on the official MT site

I suggest you go to:-

or Facebook

to discuss brokers

Good Luck



Hello all

I need help with regards to exporting mt4 indicator data to excel please. I just want to tick price of the indicator to appear in excel.

eg. MA(10) if in the period of 1H is 1.4690, that figure must appear in a cell in excel.

so to for the figures of stochastic and Par SARS ect.

Please help, I am going mad to get this right. step by step please.

or where can I go to findout how to do this.



980484 wrote >>

i want ur suggextion on what broker should i use, i already have meta trader sofware.

You should download the MT4 from the selected broker.