CAGR formula


Ok guys, not strictly an MQL question as I'd like to implement this in Excel first.

Currently we report our annual growth by:

- Quoting the % and monetary profit each month

- Calculating the compound growth % at the end of the year based upon the totalized equity growth

However, I'd like to get better about reporting and for example, would like to calculate an RAR value etc. Meanwhile I'd like to (in Excel):

- based on a list of variable monthly growth % figures

- calculate a compound annual growth %

- without any reference to any equity figures

Oh man, I'm so not an accountant.



However, I'd like to get better about reporting and for example, would like to calculate an RAR value etc. Meanwhile I'd like to (in Excel):

- based on a list of variable monthly growth % figures

- calculate a compound annual growth %

- without any reference to any equity figures

Not quite sure what you're after, but let's say that you've got the following data in Excel (apologies for format; table button in editor doesn't seem to work). Column A has the starting value and then twelve month-end figures leading to annual growth of 20%. Column B obviously has the growth each month: the current month-end divided by the previous month-end. And Column C is simply column B converted into a percentage.


104,382.00, 1.044, 4.4%

103,527.00, 0.992, -0.8%

110,404.00, 1.066, 6.6%

112,362.00, 1.018, 1.8%

111,902.00, 0.996, -0.4%

108,485.00, 0.969, -3.1%

109,974.00, 1.014, 1.4%

113,675.00, 1.034, 3.4%

116,283.00, 1.023, 2.3%

117,898.00, 1.014, 1.4%

121,413.00, 1.030, 3.0%

120,000.00, 0.988, -1.2%

In Excel the compound growth can then be derived from the monthly performance figures using =PRODUCT(column B), which gives a value of 1.2

I also refer you to the software which I offered you for beta-testing... <g>


Not quite sure what you're after, but let's say that you've got the following data in Excel (apologies for format; table button in editor doesn't seem to work). Column A has the starting value and then twelve month-end figures leading to annual growth of 20%. Column B obviously has the growth each month: the current month-end divided by the previous month-end. And Column C is simply column B converted into a percentage.


104,382.00, 1.044, 4.4%

103,527.00, 0.992, -0.8%

110,404.00, 1.066, 6.6%

112,362.00, 1.018, 1.8%

111,902.00, 0.996, -0.4%

108,485.00, 0.969, -3.1%

109,974.00, 1.014, 1.4%

113,675.00, 1.034, 3.4%

116,283.00, 1.023, 2.3%

117,898.00, 1.014, 1.4%

121,413.00, 1.030, 3.0%

120,000.00, 0.988, -1.2%

In Excel the compound growth can then be derived from the monthly performance figures using =PRODUCT(column B), which gives a value of 1.2

I also refer you to the software which I offered you for beta-testing... <g>

Many thanks. That does what I need.

PM for you.