How do I specify the increments on the vertical axis of charts?


I'm fairly new to MetaTrader. I'm having difficulaties fixing the scale of the vertical axis. In the Properties box there is 'Scale fix one to one' which gives you one pip per division. How do I get say 10 pips per division? I don't understand the Maximum and Minimum boxes and they seem to reset when I go back into properties.




Hi Jerry

I've struggle with this as well.

As far as I can tell from the help and my own playing around, the Scale fix option just means that new data doesn't cause the auto-scaling that normally occurs, e.g. when you scroll left/right. You get another vertical scroll bar in green to move the data up & down. You can still expand or contract the scale by dragging on the vertical axis, but once there it will not change as the data changes. I don't know of a way of setting the size of divisions on the scale.

Actually, I would love to see the labelling on the axis be sensible (round) numbers instead of the 5 digits we get now. Let's hope MT5 is better in this respect.




Hello Jerry [and Jellybean:]

I've found that only method [for me] that worked was to make indicator which plotted whatever increment I gave it via startup input's form.

I made the chart foreground (F8) very dark and the indicator's lines were lighter etc. The Show OHLC attribute was also disabled via F8 and the indicator plotted top left [in larger font,..] the OHLC + some other data which is much more readable.

Ok, is messing about to do what a GUI should allow anyways, but good learning exercise and since one needed it - the stimulus was there to persevere until happy with results!


So then, why not consider coding such an item?

The stuff learned will always come in handy - even if forget much of it, will remember that once "I did it!" so can for sure do it again...
