Communication problem: Postmessage and Peekmessage.


Hi everyone, I have to send information (a string of text, or at least some doubles) between two separate instances of MetaTrader4, each one holding one of my accounts.

I saw here on the forum some topics about PostMessageA to send mt4 internal messages, but this is not what I need because there is no way (as far as I know) to intercept those from on EA.

Furthermore PeekMessage isn't even into WinUser32.mqh .....

Hope there is someone here who can help me with this, even a brief example of communication will suffice.

Thanks in advance,


Why not use GlobalSet and GlobalGet?
USForexGuy wrote >>
Why not use GlobalSet and GlobalGet?

Because EAs are running on separate istances of metatrader, so globals aren't shared. I need some form of process communication.