Execute batch files (.bat)


It is possible to run a batch file (.bat) from a program mql4 EA?

Thank you
sure, use the Windows function ShellExecuteA() - for details just search this forum.
tradeigel, thank you very much,

I suppose that the solution is this:
#import "shell32.dll"
  int ShellExecuteA(int hWnd, int lpVerb, string lpFile, int lpParameters, string lpDirectory, int nCmdShow);
void init() {
  string path = "D:\\sample.html";
  ShellExecuteA(0, 0, path, 0, "", SW_SHOW);  

I have no experience with programming DLL, hare test Monday morning and I hope to have luck

Yours sincerely


yeah...although I don't think that SW_SHOW is declared already. I also would save the return value of ShellExecuteA() for error handling, just google for "ShellExeceute()" or visit msdn.com.