ObjectMove funcion



bool ObjectMove(      string name, int point, datetime time1, double price1)

what does point mean? if i have a diagonal trend line object with time1,price1 and time2,price2. and now i want to move this line to "a new time3". which point value i should use? a simple example would be really appreciated. thanks.


Objects have 1, 2, or 3 time/price points.

label has 1, line has 2, triangle has 3.

you have to "know" which point you want to move on your line, probably the second point.

I forget if they are numbered starting with 0 or 1, but in your code, for "point", it will be a single digit.

I quit using ObjectMove and just use ObjectSet... I get the same results.

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_PRICE2, 1.5555); for example, will change the price of "point 2" of the object.


Objects have 1, 2, or 3 time/price points.

label has 1, line has 2, triangle has 3.

you have to "know" which point you want to move on your line, probably the second point.

I forget if they are numbered starting with 0 or 1, but in your code, for "point", it will be a single digit.

I quit using ObjectMove and just use ObjectSet... I get the same results.

ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_PRICE2, 1.5555); for example, will change the price of "point 2" of the object.

i've got it. it is working. and they are starting from 0.

and here goes my suggestion: they should start from 1 to keep uniformity with the price&time counting, for prices and times stat with 1.

thank you so much,,,