(28 AUGUST 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 2:Italian alternative coalition talks reassure

(28 AUGUST 2019) DAILY MARKET BRIEF 2:Italian alternative coalition talks reassure

28 August 2019, 14:03
Jiming Huang

The latest developments have been reassuring for Italian assets. Optimism continues to be felt on the front of Italian BTPs with 2y yield falling from 0.009% on Monday to -0.120% (-1’463%) on Tuesday while longer-ends treasuries remain less impacted (resp. -14% and -7.50% for 10 and 30 years). Similar effects are noticeable on equities, with Milan’s FTSE MIB (+14% year-to-date) taking the lead among EU markets in this week’s session and trading +2.25% higher since Monday as an alternative coalition is likely to be formed before Wednesday morning. Negotiations between both Luigi Di Maio’s Five Star Movement and Nicola Zingaretti’s Democratic Party seem on the verge to reaching a consensus, which would confirm Giuseppe Conte re-appointment as Prime Minister. Yet the remaining impediments concerning the 2020 budget should stay despite Economy Minister Giovanni Tria optimistic sounding when stating that the budget should “substantially go below 2.10% GDP”, by 0.30%, still surpassing EU Commission budget deficit limit set at 2.04% for FY 2019. Concrete talks about the matter with the EU are planned for October 2019.

Both PD and M5S appear willing to make concessions and re-appoint PM Giuseppe Conte, a nonpartisan technocrat, for a second term in this newly formed coalition expected to be announced until Wednesday morning. While the M5S is willing to establish a minimum wage, reduce parliament size from current 945 to 600, implement tax reduction, justice reforms and green policies, the PD wants to improve refugee policy and seeks to receive significant government departments in counterpart, paving the way to further contentious talks looking forward. The single currency should react positively following the announcement, although most of the move should occur on fixed-income and equities, as the EUR appears less affected by the recent turmoil in Italian politics.

By Vincent Mivelaz