Theresa May is the overwhelming favourite to become PM - poll

5 July 2016, 15:33
Sherif Hasan

A majority of Conservatives support May

YouGov polled Conservative members from July 1-4 and found that Theresa May begins the leadership race as an overwhelming favourite.

  • T. May: 54%
  • A. Leadsom: 20%
  • M. Gove: 9%
  • S. Crabb: 5%
  • L. Fox: 5%

Between May and Andrea Leadsom, 74% of Conservatives are leaning towards a woman.

We will be paying close attention to May's comments on Brexit in the coming months but we also don't place too much faith in polls. As Conservatives get a closer look at the candidates, the polls could change quickly.

Look at Leadson, just hanging out at a playground.